
Grouchy-Making Days

The community college here has a horticulture program focusing on indigenous plants. On weekends in April and October, they open their greenhouse doors to the public. Proceeds from the sales fund the program. I've been looking forward to October for months just to visit this place.

We didn’t make it last weekend, so today I was on a mission to get there, visiting family or no. I made a truckload of Eggs Benedict for the eight of us-- three of us, plus my mom & dad, plus my sister & her husband, plus toddler-- and then we packed into the car and drove across town to the greenhouses.

Side note: there's something funny going on with my car the past couple weeks. It's leaking freon fumes from somewhere. Not all the time, but today was one of the stinky days. Because of my extreme sensitivity to scents and chemicals, I had a pre-migraine going roughly 10 minutes into the drive. Mesquite tree, I told myself, willing my headache to disappear, trying not to throw up. Desert willow. Globemallow. Indigo bush.

40 freon-infused minutes later, we pull up to the place, and it's closed. Not just closed-- boards-on-windows closed. No note on the door. No ‘new hours’ sign. Nada.

Days like this are grouchy making.

1 comment:

  1. Waaaah, how awful for you! :( I know that feeling....

    This means tomorrow has no choice but to be better, right? :)
